Saturday, November 10, 2007


September 7th, 2007 - Right before we got pregnant last year, I had decided to run in the half marathon 06. Since it's not ideal to run that distance several months pregnant, I put it on hold until this year. This spring after Lydia was born, I decided to coerce my body into distance running...3 months of training later, my sister Sarah and I ran across the finish line! Training was actually pretty fun; joining a running club gave me the accountability and assistance for the long runs (and gatorade every 2 miles set out by the running club doesn't hurt either!) It was great now with a little one to get outside a few days a week and clear my head. Sam was awesome about being flexible - mostly I ran in the evenings after Lydia went to bed, but there were definitely other times where it wasn't quite as convenient. Thanks babe, for helping to make this goal possible for me! Here's a few pictures from raceday - Sarah and I crossing the finish line, tons of cups, and mommy and Lydia!


  1. Seeing pictures kind of makes me want to do it again...

  2. Way to go Jess! You are amazing....and you look amazing too!


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