Tuesday, August 23, 2011

sick sleeping beauty.

Anyone who's been around Millie for more than ten minutes knows that this isn't how she's supposed to look at 10 in the morning. We can barely convince her to miss the happenings around her to take a nap in the afternoon, much less lay down just 2 hours after she woke up.

She was sick some over the weekend, and we thought it had passed, but apparently not. She woke up glassy eyed, ate a few bowls of oatmeal, then proceeded to wander around the house until snuggle time....sleep time. Sam took Lydia to work at the store with him this morning, and I got some quick snuggle time with little Millie that quickly led to her falling asleep in our bed.

While it's admittedly nice to have a snuggly 2 year old, I miss our crazy Millie and hope she's feeling better soon.

PS. I love the elbow dimple.

Friday, August 19, 2011

painting pictures.

I love this song by Sara Groves. It is the song of my heart the past few weeks and months as we've gone through transitions in several areas of life - occupations, roles in our marriage, our growing family. This is where I'm at:

I don't want to leave here 
I don't want to stay 
It feels like pinching to me either way 
The places I long for the most 
Are the places where I've been 
They are calling after me like a long lost friend

It's not about losing faith 
It's not about trust 
It's all about comfortable 
The place I was wasn't perfect 
But I had found a way to live 
It wasn't milk or honey 
But then neither is this

I've been painting pictures of Egypt 
Leaving out what it lacked 
The future seems so hard 
And I want to go back 
But the places that used to fit me 
Cannot hold the things I've learned 
And those roads closed off to me 
While my back was turned 

The past is so tangible 
I know it by heart 
Familiar things are never easy to discard 
I was dying for some freedom 
But now I hesitate to go 
Caught between the promise 
And the things I know


Can you guess what this means?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The sounds of our summer.

Right now, it's this:
- The girls playing in the pool in the backyard or up in the green room with their little people village...
- Paul Cardall or Norah Jones on pandora at night while I work on corn, tomatoes, peaches, pickles, or whatever else we're putting up at the moment
- Traffic outside the open windows that has returned to our road again now that school is going again (boo! We enjoyed the quiet of the summer)
- Book pages being turned
- Boxes and furniture being shuffled around and sorted through as we move rooms around to prepare for baby
- The single rain noisemaker in the girls room - they're finally sharing a room and it's going great. There's nothing sweeter than hearing them chat each other up while they're falling asleep.
- Cicadas. Loud ones. Good thing I love their noise!
- Dumping cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden on the butcher block counter. Every day.
- The girls talking in our little thankful time prayers at the end of the day. Millie can finally verbalize what she's thankful for - it's usually the see saw at the park and sometimes the pool. So sweet.

It's so funny. We spend half the summer preparing for camp, and then once camp is completed, we feel we can really "begin" the summer. Only the kids here go back to school the first week of August. So to everyone else, fall has already arrived. But we're blissfully ignoring their schedule and enjoying our second half of the summer. We are truly rich - healthy kids, good food to eat, a sweet home we love on the side of a mountain, a faithful and steadfast God, and really good internet access. ;) (That's my thankful time list for tonight!)