Tuesday, August 23, 2011

sick sleeping beauty.

Anyone who's been around Millie for more than ten minutes knows that this isn't how she's supposed to look at 10 in the morning. We can barely convince her to miss the happenings around her to take a nap in the afternoon, much less lay down just 2 hours after she woke up.

She was sick some over the weekend, and we thought it had passed, but apparently not. She woke up glassy eyed, ate a few bowls of oatmeal, then proceeded to wander around the house until snuggle time....sleep time. Sam took Lydia to work at the store with him this morning, and I got some quick snuggle time with little Millie that quickly led to her falling asleep in our bed.

While it's admittedly nice to have a snuggly 2 year old, I miss our crazy Millie and hope she's feeling better soon.

PS. I love the elbow dimple.

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