Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 2

So, when you miss the 6:25 in Naperville, and instead take the 6:35, you might as well ride you bike into the city. I sat and watched trains continually pass ours on the inside tracks, and watched the masses at each stop actually pass our train by, waiting instead for the next express. In hindsight, I should have gotten off at one of the first stops and waited for an express. Or paid better attention to the schedule. Actually, scratch all that - if I had just hurried a bit in my morning routine, we wouldn't be having this typersation. Anyhow, it was a nice HOUR AND FIFTEEN minutes worth of working on the train. As opposed to the short 35 minutes of the express on the way back home.

What we learned today:
Wikipedia says that periods of continued stress can cause this defense mechanism to kick in - I think we qualify. Textbook! I do feel like I'm walking around outside of my body, watching someone else leave a fabulous neighborhood and a beautiful, handmade house. Who would do such a thing?! Apparently, us. I need to remind myself that home is not the structure containing everything...it's what's inside; the people, the everyday familiar items, the love. God is good, and we are so thankful to be 2 days closer to settling in our new life, chasing after a dream - an idea - we've had now for over 7 years.

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